Sunday, December 31, 2006


and so here we are...on the brink of a new year.

we're two hours and 39 minutes away from the big 07

goodbye 2006

hello 2007

Friday, December 29, 2006

a hanging saddam

so now he hangs...

imagine what he must have been feeling while on those gallows. a pang of remorse for killing those innocent civilians, or just an eerie feeling of disbelief, still not accepting that it was possible for him to be killed so soon.

december of 2006 has been a weird month. three influential people who have changed society have died all within the same week--perhaps a CONSPIRACY THEORY mobilized by big brother?!?!

probably not. just mother nature doing her job.

a hanging saddam


so now he hangs.

sometimes, i wonder what individuals who are about to meet their makers at the hands of their adversaries are thinking. when the federal government gives an inmate on deathrow a last meal, does that inmate have the appetite to consume that meal? it must be a gut wrenching feeling to know that one is about to die, and that he or she has no chocie but to accept his or her fate.

but on the contrary, many argue, those who are on deathrow deserve to be there and deserve to pay for their crimes. i agree to that axiom to an extent, but my mind comes up with another counterargument: who are we to judge the actions of other people? isn't the judging of one's character God's, Buddha's, Allah's, Trent Lott's, Benedict's (choose one) job? we should not be deciding who deserves to live and who deserves to die.

albeit i have conflicting viewpoints, it's essential for society to dole out justice accordingly in order for society to survive.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

endless drives to taco bell and the gutting of saddam

Thursday, December 28, 2006--a day filled to the brim with watching reruns of mythbusters, reading old, yellow-aged parchment-like newsweeks, and driving around the city with no destination. Well, actually, there was a destination: Taco Bell.

While cruising around on this giant network which people call the internet, I read a story on the drudge about Saddam being executed BY this Sunday.
The story of Saddam is an ironic one. Consider this: The 95% of the people in my life have stated that Saddam was an evil, fire-breathing, man-slaughtering, womanizing, “satanistic” devil-tyrant who committed atrocious crimes against the glorious people of Iraq. Ok, I’ll agree that Saddam was a tyrant who indeed killed people, but should we treat him with the genocidal status that really should go to leaders of the Janjaweed in Sudan? These crazies in Sudan have been killing each other and displacing each other for a while now. C’mmon…there are much more evil people in the world than Saddam Hussein. Now saying this, I could further say that instead of initially allocating the valuable assets of the US military to Iraq, the brave and dashing leaders of this country could have sent our boys to the troubled areas surrounding Khartoum. What we have now is a destroyed Iraq in the midst of a civil war while in Sudan, thousands are dying.

Has anything good happened since Saddam was thrown from his pulpit?